In Poland, one of the favourite snacks at carnival meetings is the delicious herring. We love to savour them both on festive and everyday occasions. And because we love to create unusual flavour combinations, we have herring flavours and sprinkles to complement the carnival menu.

Since it's a carnival, herring doesn't have to be boring or predictable! After Christmas herring with onion in oil, you can go a little crazy. Are you looking for some inspiration? Here are some ideas ready to try! 

What do you think about a carnival herring ✔️ with a mojito aroma in a mint-citrus version with a hint of lime?
✔️Or maybe you'd prefer something more expressive in flavour combination with a whiskey aroma?
✔️The enthusiasts of spicy flavours will love very spicy scotch bonnet  herring,
✔️and those who always look for a bit of warmth will go crazy with a super tasty blend of spicy plums or delightful ginger.

And this is just a pinch of ideas that we can create!

Snacks and herring dishes are a reliable and proven way for a successful event! They will perfectly complement any feast table at a carnival ball, house party, or your aunt's name-day dinner! Herring bites or fillets in dedicated flavouring and seasoning blends for marinades will steal the palates - even of those who have been sceptical about Mr. Herring!

Among the PROMAR ideas that our sales department will be pleased to present to you, you will find many amazing offers! If you are looking for something original - nothing is impossible for us! We will prepare herring in every, even exceptionally sophisticated form!

What's your herring concept for today?

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